Nick Branch

Los Angeles, CA ยท

Learning as much as I can as fast as I can.


Software Developer

Ricardo Defense

Worked as lead DevSecOps Engineer for product suite of six products. Responsible for implementing new build processes and standards, improving existing processes, and diagnosing build issues.

Improved build speeds for existing builds in Jenkins for product suite between 45.5% and 62.7% through implementing shallow git clones, only running builds on Jenkins agents (therefore minimizing the load on master), using reference repositories to clone from after fetch/pull (rather than needing to fully clone from BitBucket each time a build is run), and optimized compiler switches (Roger Keays - Why is Maven So Slow?).

Led initiative for Docker/containerization adoption throughout development and build processes.

Implemented vulnerable dependency checking through use of SCA tool OWASP Dependency-Check.

Gave introductory talks to new hires on our DevSecOps process along with a brief introduction to software engineering concepts.

Tools and languages used: Jenkins, Artifactory, Ant, JavaScript (ES6+), Java, C#, PowerShell, Docker, Grafana.

May 2020 - November 2020

Software Engineering Intern

CDK Global

Performed backend development on CDK Global's Global Content Management team in the Functional Services department to build an externally available REST API with an adapter to an internal API.

Created an AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda functions to transform requests between an internal and external API.

Worked with AWS Lambda (written in Node.js), AWS IAM, AWS CLI, and Terraform for creating and maintaining an AWS DynamoDB database.

Used Confluence to create, manage, and maintain best practices as well as documentation for general new hire on-boarding, and development tool set up that were not already well-documented.

Tools and languages used: AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS DynamoDB, AWS IAM, AWS CloudFormation, AWS SAM, AWS CLI, JavaScript (ES6), Node.js, Express, Docker, Swagger, Terraform, JIRA, Confluence, Agile Methodologies, Visual Studio Code.

June 2019 - August 2019

Software Developer / Technical Support Representative

Digital Waybill

Created a C# project adding functionality to interact with an Access Database and perform queries to delete/update records with SQL solving common support issues, knocking support time on those issues down by 75% in most cases.

Created a customized exe with a GUI in C# for customers to modify all fuel surcharge records on the back end of the database cutting down the need to update fuel surcharges on individual price lists.

Debugged production VB6 code, often while on calls with clients by necessity as the debug environment was not available on client machines.

Setup courier software with customized pricing/zones and supported over 500 users with issues pertaining to our software including technical support, billing, and demos for potential customers.
Tools and l anguages used: C#, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Python, JavaScript, VB6, Github.

March 2016 - May 2019

Deckhand / Senior Deckhand

Catalina Express

Liaison between Captain and passengers / face of the company during crossing to Catalina. Responsible for maintaining comfort of passengers, handling luggage, solving disputes, and tying up the boat.

Accounted for passenger and crew safety in a variety of situations including fire, suspicious package, and man overboard.

Trained rookie deckhands involving boating activities and customer interaction including wheelchair safety and executing procedures in emergencies.

June 2012 - March 2016


Oregon State University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science

GPA: 3.49

Relevant Coursework

Data Structures
Analysis of Algorithms
Web Development
Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
Introduction to Databases
Operating Systems
Introduction to Computer Networks

Graduated March 2020

University of California Irvine

Bachelor of Arts
Psychology and Social Behavior
Graduated March 2016


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Git & Github
  • Debugging

Oregon State Capstone Project

Initially developed with one colleague over 10 weeks building an MVP of a courier software as a service product as our capstone project hosted on Heroku. I've continued development on the project in my free time.

Back-end built with Node.js, Express.js: an API server connected to a Heroku-hosted Postgres database handling CRUD functionality for customer, driver, and order creation and editing.

Front-end built with React.js, react-bootstrap, jQuery, SweetAlert.js: display data retrieved from the back-end API via Axios (an HTTP request library) and build interfaces for allowing the courier company to add new customers, drivers, and orders along with editing existing records.

Here are a few screenshots of the project in action:

What I'm Working On

I'm currently running with a few ideas, and here's a couple of them:

  • Reworking my capstone project using Golang on the backend, Swagger to design the REST API, and Flutter for both the web app and mobile apps.
  • Building a free mobile app in Flutter using Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore to allow families to track in real time which family members are with a hospitalized or grieving person.


Apart from learning about software development, I've started homebrewing! While I've still only brewed an amber ale straight from a kit, it's been an amazing experience and I've learned a ton.

I love sci-fi and fantasy genre movies, television shows, and books. If I had to pick a favorite author it would definitely be Brandon Sanderson!

If I'm not reading a fantasy novel or thinking about what to build next I'm either: watching an NFL game or I'm at a craft brewery.

Schedule an Interview With Me

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